What are we?
Non-stop experiments
We run services and create some quite often. Customer feedback is our fuel as we need it to provide the best experience we can. The Sylphe Project is all about trying and learning new skills, new technologies and new concepts. We build blocks and make sure they work.
Since 2012
During Summer 2012, the Sylphe Project was born between two best friends. It then came to life as a simple cloud service hosted on a storage server running under a bed. Sylphe is now run by 4 hosts between Amazon and OVH. A host is still running under a desk however.
Project of a lifetime
The Sylphe Project is a bunch of several projects ranging from cloud to gaming. It’s a brand that’s closely linked to its creators and aims to become a big and successful company.hopefully a conglomerate!
Monthly budget
Average response time in minutes
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